Dian Duchin Reed
writer and photographer


prizes for poetry, literary criticism, writing excellence, and technical writing

for magazines like American Forests, National Geographic World, and Garden Design

technical writer
for companies like Becton Dickinson and Johnson & Johnson

essays and poetry
in such journals as North American Review, Nimrod International Journal, The Nation, and Toastmaster

Dao De Jing: Laozi's Timeless Wisdom
Dian Duchin Reed has studied the Chinese language, has traveled in China, and has been practicing taiji quan for over 30 years. Dao De Jing: Laozi’s Timeless Wisdom is her fresh translation of this 2,500-year-old Chinese text.
Nature’s web is vast and its threads are fine,
but nothing escapes it.
—from Chapter 73
“What a beautiful translation.”
“…absolutely love this.”
—responses to excerpt on Parabola magazine’s Facebook page
Click here to buy.
Finishing Line Press published her poetry chapbook,
Medusa Discovers Styling Gel.
Click here to buy.
haiku, haiga, and haibun
As written by modern English speakers, haiku can be as slippery to define as they are easy to love. Here’s one definition from the Haiku Society of America:
“A haiku is a short poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature or the season intuitively linked to the human condition.”
Haibun combine prose with a haiku.
Haiga combine a visual image with a haiku.
Dian Duchin Reed’s haiku and haibun appear in Heron’s Nest, Frogpond, Modern Haiku, Contemporary Haibun Online, and other haiku and haibun journals.

To see more of Dian Duchin Reed's haiga, click these links:
The Haiku Foundation 1
The Haiku Foundation 2
These links will take you to some of Dian Duchin Reed’s essays:
“Words, Words, Words—Such a Fortune Wasted”
“The Meaning of Life and the Effortless Action”
“Ten Things You Should Know About Slow”